Luxair Cooker Hoods Consumer feedback survey

Market Research Survey

* Q1.How often do you use your Cooker Hood

* Q2.Which Brand comes to mind when you think of buying a cooker hood other than Luxair?

* Q3.How did you hear about Luxair Cooker Hoods?

Other (please state here)

* Q4.How Familiar are you with the Luxair Brand?

* Q5.Do you feel Luxair are a trusted brand?

* Based on your answer above please explain why?

* Q6.Based on first impressions what do/did you think about Luxair? please insclude any positive or negative thoughts you may have had about the brand.
If you have already purchased from us then please advise of any concerns you have/had before and after purchse? what did you think of the brand before you purchased, did you have any hesitations? and what do you feel your impression is now after you have received your goods? do you have any suggestions on how to improve the website or overall experience?

* Q7.Based on your experience do you feel the website is easy to navigate?

* Q8. Did you come across any issues when navigating the website?

* Q9. Is there anything in particular you like about the website?

* Q.10.On first impressions is the website ....

If you answered Confusing and hard to understand, please expalin you answer.

* Q11. When navigating our website which device were you using?

* Q12.Based on first impressions would you say that Luxair are...

* Please explain your answer?

* Q13.What would you look for when purchasing a cooker hood? select all that apply.

Please inculde any extra you look for not inculded above?

* Q14.Please select the colour Blue from the answers Below.

* Q13.How likely you are to use each platform for design/ DIY/home inspiration? Please select all that apply

Please include any other Platforms you use for home inspiration that aren't listed above?

* Q14.Which statement best describes you when choosing this type of product?

* Q15.Unlike our competitors we don’t sell through online distribution and appliance dealers. This means we can offer our products direct to the public & trade at better prices, because third party distribution aren’t taking high a margin. We also offer a more personal customer service experience by selling direct in which we can provide the best advice and after sales care which we pride ourself on! If you weren't aware this was the brand Ethos and saw prices were considerably lower than their competitors, how would the lower pricing impact your decision to purchase from this brand?

* Q16.Do you think Luxair should advertise their ethos more? would it make you feel more confident about buying from the brand?

* Q17.Is there anything you feel that makes Luxair stand out to our competitors?

* Email Address to receive your code!

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